(I got most of the bugs from the Jam. The "can't with second stage" one remains, sorry about that one)

Warning:  Web version might lag a bit. Windows version should probably be smoother.   (The web version has a bug at the end of the second stage. If it looks like it got stuck, you won and we apologize for the lack of confetti)

Manifesto is a game about joining together with your peers to retake public spaces.

Gather a protest and manifest on landmarks to retake them to the people.


1.  Move the Camera with WASD (and Zoom with the mousewheel)

2.  Move your Riot aggregator by clicking on the ground, crowds will gather there.

3.  Crowds gather to the Riot Aggregator ( the grey cube you control). White crowds will follow your aggregator and move around together. You can pick stragglers back up.

4.  Aggregate a lot of people around the purple landmark posts to start capturing them.

5. Landmarks turn green as they are being captured.

6.  Avoid being dispersed by the Counterprotestors and stick to the Landmarks until they turn completely. (The police also has a riot aggregator pointer.  At least its blue.)

There might still be a few bugs!

Thanks for playing and have fun!

This game was made by André Antonitsch and Diogo Müller for the GMKT  Jam 2021.


Post Jam Manifesto Win 23 MB
Jam Manifesto Win 23 MB
Jam Manifesto WebGL 7 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run. Might be a bit buggy, sorry for that.

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